Faith is personal and deep. Keeping that in mind, people come up with a lot of ideas when it comes to religious gifts. When it comes to religion, people have milestones or certain achievements, or put to put it in the appropriate context they reach certain levels of enlightenment. What better way to remember these milestones than with religious gifts being exchanged with your family?
1. Pocket Prayers
Where does one turn to for peace and rest when the turmoil of our day to day life gets the better of each one of us? Prayers are the answers to your problems. This pocket prayer book teaches us that prayers don’t necessarily have to be lengthy. They can be short, crisp, and to the point. Something that you can carry in your pocket all the time, this small little book can be a great source of strength when you are really looking for some direction and comfort. They not only come in a small book, but also come in a Kindle version to give your faith a boost at the comfort of your bedroom, office or on the go, and would make a great gift for your family.
2. Key Ring
Very few things stay really close to you. Your wallet, make-up kit and even your key ring with a bunch of keys on them. Religious key rings normally come with a medallion attached to the key ring and a message written on the medallion. Normally, it could be a scripture verse or an inspirational or motivational quote. They are usually made of metal and feature a sentiment or scripture verse. Some of the verses and quotes could even reflect the personality of the person to whom the gift is given. Religious key rings with a message make wonderful gifts for anybody who would like to start their day on an inspirational note.
3. Inspirational Mug
Inspirational tea or coffee mugs are mostly glazed inside out. They would display a beautiful design with and overflowing scripture verse. You can not only gift it to your family members, but can also gift them to members of your place of worship. A good thing about inspirational mugs is that you invariably keep using them every now and then, and as a result gets to read the message all the time. These reminders always do good to keep you in a good state of mind. Most mugs come with an excellent and attractive design that would make you want to gift it to someone near to you.
4. Magnetic Bookmarks
Magnetic bookmarks that come with beautiful designs and inspirational quotes or scripture verses are a wonderful way to have your pages marked. The designs of these bookmarks are stuck onto a magnetic strip which means that as much as you can use it as a bookmark. You can also use it as a fridge magnet, or even have it stuck to your dashboard or white board if they are made of a metal body. And given that they are slightly heavy compared to paper bookmarks, they would just stay put in your books and won’t really fall of easily. These bookmarks make the perfect gift for your family and your loved one.
5. Message Cards
How an inspired thought from scriptures which are portrayed with spectacular colours and marvellous designs can raise the spirit of your loved ones? When these imaginative colourful blessings reach you it will not only delight your hearts, but also make your loved one remember you the most precious way.
And what could be more than adding a personal touch to each card by customizing them with your shades of colours used to colour the designs. These cards are really awesome and are good value for money. They are beautiful detailed cards with actual Biblical quotes which are highly motivational and inspirational.
6. Scripture Glass Stones
A scripture glass stone more than being an art piece is a conversational piece. When you have felt that a scripture verse really connects with you, it’s a good idea to have them displayed on your kitchen counter or on your work desk. Curious people who get a glimpse of the small, yet classy piece would want to get into a conversation as they probably would not have come across something like this anywhere else. What more given the size of the item, you can even carry them around in your pocket as they normally won’t be a half a dollar. Given that it’s a novelty, this item would make a great gift for members of your family.
7. Prayer Bracelet
A great way to proclaim your faith is to wear scripture verses, inspirational quotes or even prayers engraved on bangles or wrist bands. They could be inscribed all over the bangle and to add some novelty, you could even add some dangling charms to the bangle. This would not only fit the lifestyle of the new-age woman, but can also be worn by people of all ages, races and sizes and would make a great gift for your near and dear ones. If you have prayers engraved on the bracelet it would double up as a perfect ornament as well. Or else as a meditation prayer that you can just recite by looking at it whenever you would want.
8. Scripture Cube
Scripture cubes are usually multi-purpose. They could not remind you of saying your prayers once or twice a day, but they would also double up as a paper weight to hold your important papers down on your desk. All six sides of the cube could be inscribed with inspirational quotes or scripture verses to help you stay thankful and grounded. They make great gifts and are good gift ideas for graduation, father’s day, mother’s day or any other occasion for that matter. They are made with different materials like wood and resin to give it a quality look and feel.
9. One-minute prayers for Women
There’s really no better way to reach out to God with thanksgiving and praise than through these insightful and thoughtful prayers. One of the reasons as to why they are really effective is because they are short, one-minute prayers. They are not really lengthy prayers and for that reason you conveying your message across to God are as a matter of fact, done in a more effective manner. Whether you delay your daily connect with God, this book would help you to connect with Almighty in a jiffy. With these short prayers, you are bound to experience inner peace in the most effective manner and will also make an excellent gift for your family.
10. Diwali Puja Oil Lamp
Diwali Oil Puja Lamps are quite a religious affair for people who practice Hinduism. The minute you light a lamp, Hindus believe that an etheric sphere will happen and the receptivity and communication of people around between themselves would enhance dramatically. It not only brightens up your house, but it really brings in a certain aura around your household. Oil lamps are considered to be bringing in spirituality into a house. They reflect unconditional love, complete altruism and pure bestowal. These spiritual, meditative lamps are also called as diyas that creates an aesthetic ambience not just in any shrine, but also in your home as well. That is exactly why these diyas would make excellent gifts for your family.
11. Prayer Rugs
Islamic prayer rugs are always a part of a devout Muslim. For Muslims worldwide, they are not just a mat; they add a lot of value and give a lot of importance to prayer rugs. For that reason, prayers rugs are considered to be the finest gifts anyone can be given. Turkey is where a lot of prayer rugs are made, given that they come out with rugs that are of superior quality and unmatched designs. They generally give you a very soft feel, and also make you feel very great to prey on. Good quality rugs are not really hard on the pocket and can be bought anywhere from $ 20 to $30.
12. Sikh Religious word on Marble Plate Round
More often used in Sikhism WaheGuru is a term referring to God, the creator of one and all and Supreme Being. In Punjabi language, it means ‘Wonderful Teacher’ but generally it is used to refer to God Almighty. Mostly WaheGuru paintings on marble round plates are a combination of gold work and semi-precious stones. Most commonly found with Rajasthani handicrafts, this gift item is quite popular across the globe. There’s a lot of workmanship that goes into the making of one marble plate round as the artisans would combine gold leaf work which is embossed along with miniature paintings. They make a good office or home gift item.