Children may not always follow their father’s advice but they will always follow his example. And that is why the role of a father is one of the most challenging ones that a man will ever assume. Fathering is a great responsibility, but it’s also something that men take greatest pride in. Thus we celebrate Father’s day- the one day that has been set aside every year to honor fatherhood and appreciate the men in our lives. Although this day is celebrated on various dates worldwide, most countries observe Father’s day on the third Sunday in the month of June.
More than just an occasion, Father’s day is a celebration, a way of expressing and thanking fathers for all the love they have shown. It’s a day of building strong parental bonds, of making society aware of the hidden powerful force that works constantly for the well-being of their families. The most humble way of thanking your father is by giving him a remembrance or a gift on this day. However, instead of going by the traditional clichéd gifts, be thoughtful and a little more innovative this time and come up with something that will leave an everlasting impression and create memories for a lifetime. Following are a few unusual gift ideas that might help in widening your approach towards complementing your father in the best manner possible.
Let the praises fall: Everyone feels good being appreciated. So use this day to tell your father how much you need him and show him about how you feel by writing a thank you note. Put in detailing the ways in which he contributes to your family, how he provides emotional and moral support and what makes him the great parent that he is. Create your own handmade book and put down some major lessons that he has taught you along with illustrations. If writing isn’t your cup of tea, consider other options like filming or creating a short video or making a huge banner saying “You are the world’s best dad”. This way you don’t need to spend a fortune on extravagant gifts; and you can still convey your love and gratitude for your father.
Go fishing with your dad: If your dad loves fishing, he will definitely enjoy a quiet nice fishing escapade with his kids and grownups as well. Scout for rivers and lakes to visit with abundant fishes or simply boat down to one of his favorite spots and enjoy the landscape with him. To add on to this experience, you can also buy small gifts for the occasion like cufflinks or fishing rods. After the day of fishing, spend the rest of the evening with your friends and families on a barbeque cooking the fishes you have caught.
Score with your favorite football team: It is not surprising to find dads, who would still cheer with a glass of beer while applauding their favorite team. If your father is one among those football fanatics, then you can reserve a table in a pub and enjoy watching his favorite team play. You may also get tickets for a stadium game and if there’s no scheduled match on Father’s day, take him out to the park for a picnic and play the sport with him. There are a lot more ideal gifts that can be gifted to football lovers such as a table soccer game or a personalized football calendar.
If your father has a green finger, then gifting him with a new set of gardening equipments can be a winning idea. Most men are proficient pruners and thus a great pair of secateurs is what your dad will love having. A new pair of sturdy gardening gloves is always a welcoming addition to all the gardening homes. Start a gardening project on this day, pick flowers and plants that are easy to plant and spruceup the beauty of your home a level higher. Use this opportunity to spend some quality time with your dad as well.
Go golfing with your dad: Hire a PGA instructor and do something more amazing on this Father’s day. Take up a series of golf lessons and start with the first class on this day. It is a great excuse for spending quality time together while picking tips and improving your game as well. If your dad is already a golfer, you can take the opportunity to learn from him. May be you would also want to gift him with something that spices up his on course game. Also a membership to one of the nearest golf clubs can be an amazing idea that will bring immense joy to your dad.
Work on your family tree: It sure took a lot of dads to get to your father, so why not use this occasion to pay homage to all those forefathers in your family. Sit with your parents, break out those old photographs and learn about your ancestry. You can even get creative and start branching out your family tree with marker and crayons.
Gift your bibliophile dad a bunch of books to treasure: If your dad is a lover of books, then there can be no better idea than gifting him with nice hard bound books. While carrying out this idea, make sure you do your research well and keep your father’s choice in mind. On this beautiful occasion, you can even select books that reflect on the amazing relationship that exists between and a father and child. For a change, you can even gift your father a recordable book wherein one the stories may have been recorded in your voice. It’s a gift that will always be valued by your dad.
Get creative: While tube socks, pens and ties have remained as the age old gifts for dads, your father must probably have had enough of them. Instead, this time give him something that comes from you and that only you could have given him. May be you don’t need to buy something always. Best gifts, sometimes are the shared experiences like gathering your entire family and barbequing in the backyard. You can even make your dad things that he enjoys most like baking a cake for him or making his favorite dinner. If you are celebrating Father’s day for your spouse, plan a special event that the two of you can share and enjoy.
Help him enjoy the day: Sometimes, a lot of planning and overloading your dad with numerous pre planned activities might not turn out to be the best way of celebrating the occasion. Since it’s meant to be a fun day for your father, eliminate the unnecessary pressure by letting him do whatever he desires. Don’t bombard him early just because you have huge plans for the day ahead. It’s great to have an array of planned activities but try not to make it an entire day event and be sure to give him some time for himself. You don’t need to make the grandest gestures of gratitude every now and then; small things can also make your dad feel loved. Whatever it may be; let the day be his.