Is your wardrobe ready to bring out the rockstar in you this Christmas? Or are you still struggling and going through some shop trying to pick the most unique shirt among the lot? Well, relax! Don’t work too much in choosing the perfect clothes as the leading online stores have got some great collection of funny Christmas shirts.
These would instantly charm your mood, for sure!
Listed below are 11 such quirky and comical shirts to cheer you up!
1- A nerdy Rudolph for the nerd heart!
Were you too busy reading your favourite book and didn’t find enough time to look for your Christmas outfit? And now you are tired of explaining yourself to others, right? Well then. A nerdy Rudolph is the simplest answer to all the baseless questions you face at parties!
2- Jolly AF when you’re low AF!
You’ve sulked for too long! Bring about a 360-degree turn in your mood with these cool, lightweight t-shirt that’ll make you jolly AF! Or, at least make others think that you are. Moreover, the pure cotton fabric will give you the warmth and comfort you’re so desperately in search of.
3- Quirky tuxedo prints
Looking for funny Christmas shirts for adults? Well, here’s just the right thing. Surprise an old soul with a teenage twist and get him a hilarious tuxedo print on the t-shirt to cheer him up from the monotony of work life.
P.S. – There’s no shame in being funny. Remember, laughter is the soul’s best medicine, always!
4- A gangster cloth!
Of course you’re no gangster but, what’s the harm in pretending that you are at one of those Christmas parties! You must be sick and tired of people questioning why you don’t go out much or socialize. Just tell them, “I deal in underground business!”
5- Jesus swag
If you dig deep into Christmas celebration, you’ll realize that the very reason behind this festival is Christ’s birthday. So, instead of advocating Santa, Rudolph or the tree, let’s bring in some Jesus swag cause it’s his two thousand something birthday! If you are looking for funny Christmas shirts for adults, this is the best idea!
6- A cute outfit for the baby bump!
Is there anyone in your circle who’s about to become a mother? Well then, this Christmas, you can gift her these extremely amusing t-shirts with funny quotes around the baby bump, like, “It’s the baby’s first and last Christmas in here!” or “Can I get some Christmas cookies in here?” Get these funny Christmas shirts from leading online stores to avoid the hassle of shopping on foot.
7- For the foodie-
Junk food is a great mood lifter. So, if you binge eat all day to shoo that lowliness away, don’t feel embarrassed; especially when you’re wearing this swag sweatshirt! Don’t you know the ground rule? Christmas calories don’t count! So, munch and gulp and drink to your heart’s content. Let your shirt shoo off anyone who tries to lecture you on calorie intake!
8- For the firm believer in Santa
It’s sad how growing up snatches away every little fairy tale belief we harboured as kids. The whole Santa Clause story shatters to pieces as age and maturity hit us. What is there to live with if such tender wish fulfilment dreams are taken away? Hence, it is always better to have faith in Santa and believe that your wish will come true this Christmas; ‘cause hope is all that we have in life! Get these shirts and live on the faith!
9- Night owls, here’re funny Christmas shirts for you!
People suffering from mild to chronic depression have difficulty to sleep at night. With work on the next morning, it gets really frustrating and more depressing. However, Christmas around the corner is surely great news as finally, you’ll get to spend some more morning hours in bed! So, wish yourself a Happy Owliday!
These shirts are very hard to find. However, you can always get funny Christmas shirts from leading e-commerce stores! They have huge stocks.
10- Black and grey that matches your monochrome life
Do you like chilling with your closest buddies on Christmas? No big, pomp or grandeur celebration; just a small but hearty hangout? There are funny t-shirts to match your occasion perfectly. Something that says “chillin’ with my snowmies” or “I’m packed with this gang on Christmas!”
Trust me, reading that, no intruder will want to force you out of your comfortable circle!
11- Light up, light up!
No matter how gloomy or depressed you feel, Christmas lights are meant to cheer up every spirit. This festive season, lift your mood with a lit up t-shirt!
Cover up all that despair with a fine and funny t-shirt this Christmas. Be your own Santa and make yourself go ho! ho! ho! with these quirky and hilarious shirts.